The Rise Of Silicone Sex Doll Experience Halls
According to the "Statistical Bulletin of China's National Economic and Social Development in 2019", as of the end of 2019, my country's total population was 1.395 billion, of which 240 million were single, equivalent to the sum of the populations of two Russi as. At present, single people have accounted for 15% of the total population of China, and there are 34 million more unmarried men than women.
In addition, the number of migrant workers in my country is about 250 million. Assuming that 60% of them are men, the number will reach about 150 million. Assuming that 60% of migrant workers are separated by husband and wife, then this group is also about 90 million. Although single people overlap with single migrant workers, it is conservatively estimated that there will be 100 million people scattered all over the country.
Although most of them work hard and are not rich, "food sex" is a physiological need engraved in human genes. Many merchants just saw such business opportunities and thought that the sex dolls experience hall could serve some factory workers who "have no better way to re lease ", so they turned to the business of desire.
In fact, because they do not have the ability to bring their spouses by their side, nor can they satisfy their sexual desires through other means, the silicone Adult Sex Doll experience hall may become a short-term (handling) interpersonal relationship for migrant work ers who have entered the city and have no spouses or have been separated from their spouses for a long time.
From the perspective of social stability, the Silicone Sex Doll experience hall may be able to solve the physiological needs of specific groups of people and avoid uncertain factors such as personal conflicts caused by sex, unwanted pregnancy, infectious diseases and even criminal cases. Avoid social conflicts to a certain extent.
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